Python Introduction
Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics.
Its high-level built in data structures, combined with dynamic typing and dynamic binding, make it very attractive for Rapid Application Development, as well as for use as a scripting or glue language to connect existing components together.
According to people's feedback, it said that python is easy to learn, oh really? we'd definitely see about that as we continue our learning process.
Now i have created a github repository which i will be uploading every code we learn and practice here.
First i'd advice you head down to the python official website where the official documentations are written, which is what i just did
Note there's a download button and we have to download it to your PC so as to enable us use it, clicking on the download button and setting up your PC ready to do that
so we'd be looking into topics as we earlier said that it's for complete beginners and i am also putting what have learnt to writing.
- Writing first python code hello world.
- Operators
- Variables and built in functions
- Sring, List and Turples.
- Sets, Dictionaries and Conditionals
- Loops and Functions
- Modules and List comprehension
- Higher Order Functions and Python types Error
- Python Date and Time, Exception Handling and Regular Expression
- File Handling and Python Package Manager
- Classes and Objects
- Web Scrapping.
I'm quite sure that if we can achieve this goals to the end of this we would be confortable using python. And hopefully we'd be used to the syntax and terminology before we try hop our way Machine Learning. This would definitely be fun.
So quickly am about to write my first python code "HELLO WORLD"
# This program prints Hello, world!
print('Hello, world!')
Yeah! we've just written our first python code and am super excited to do this more in the next article i will be using an IDE pycharm to write my python codes apparently you can use any code editor or even the python shell but for me i'd go with what best fits me for this to make it easier. If you love to use pycharm as well you can go ahead to to download yours as it's available for Mac,Linux and WINDOWS.
Cheers pythonista ๐