Rise Against Self Doubt!

I've seen several newbies get into programming and along the line start building up the thought that they can't do better or can't be like so and so and along the line end up giving up on their goals.

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Hey look at yourself, you wanna know the real truth? Review yourself really well What did you see?


Probably by my calculations, you would see buddy A does this accurately with no stress involved, or mentor B is a GEM at what he does and you feel oh he is living the life, and you're like i want to be like him/her, but am really not talented and don't have what it takes to get there been learning intensively for months and i can't do this and this yet perhaps this isn't my path. That's impostor syndrome You know what that's true you're not smart enough, Yes you can't be like them because you're not them and now what? You gave up already. Reading through this you must must wonder what's this article all about, oh yeah it's an article for you to overcome that thing in your head that says bullshit to you frequently while trying to progress at what you do. If you've read past the above and you've continued to the end of this write up then congratulations you've got what it takes to be amazingly better. Programming is hard and you'll fail at it some point in time but the essential part is for you to get back at it, push forward and keep the failing thread you'll end up a hero. You'd be told you're not smart enough and crazy take that as a compliment and go work twice more and believe in the in-depth of your mind that you're wonderfully brilliant and believe me you'll do the impossible.

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So keep doing what you do, practice more,believe you're good regardless of all negativity we come across. You're amazing and sure you'll step bounds with time. Whenever you feel this self doubt say in your heart " I can do this" follow that words and do it.